
Where I ramble and tell complete strangers about my life. It will probably include knitting.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Seven weeks, one day

Still here, still pregnant, feeling oh so very sick. Morning sickness only means that it is morning somewhere in the world. In my case, about from the Tasman sea to about south america. I'm asleep while it's morning over the Pacific. I'm not actually throwing up, but I sure feel like it alot, it's just that I'm a bit tidier. In some ways it rocks though, because it means that I am actually pregnant, somewhere inside me, someone grew fingers this week. I'd be really worried if I stopped feeling so sick all of a sudden.
I've already been to see a GP here at the uni clinic and had my antenatel blood tests done and the results fowarded to my OB. I have my first appointment with my OB since I got pregnant tomorrow. The appointment was actually for surgery follow up (remember, I had surgery a while ago, seems like a year ago, was only about seven weeks). I did get pregnant right after the surgery, so it probably wouldn't have affected the baby. I rang the OB's office right after I found out I was pregnant to try and figure out if I should come to my already scheduled appointment, or would I need another and by the way, I'm pregnant, so won't need to be scheduling an IUI at the appointment. The receptionist didn't quite get what I was saying and just told me to come in for the appointment I already had. I did manage to get the vital information through to Dr D as she's a friend of a friend (complete coincedence), so at least she's not going to walk in and ask why there's a HCG blood test report in my file.
In more news, we're going to be moving in a few weeks! To an apartment, that is warm! Our current place is so cold as to warrant the exlaimation marks. The place we're going to is about six blocks from the city, has a dishwasher and dryer, two little courtyards with paving, no grass, a good sized washing line, faces north, is warm in winter and cool in summer. It's actually owned by some good friends of ours who are headed of the Sydney next year so he can go to bible college. They really needed someone to rent the place soon and we really needed to move soon (it's so cold at our place my cooking oil solidified), so it was a perfect match.

That's about it for my life at present, tired, nausious and moving. Catch you next week.

Friday, June 16, 2006

What happened

was that I'm now pregnant. 5 weeks and 3 days to be exact.
After I wrote the hope fairy post on Thursday, I started to get really frustrated, my period was really, really late, but their was no way I could be pregnant (I thought) so I was going to get it just late enough to mess with my data set and have a new record length cycle. By Sunday, when nothing had happened yet, Mr b^3 made me buy a test kit. I was afraid of using one because everytime I'd used one in the past it was always negative and my period came shortly there after. I realised that I was enjoying the maybe this time it worked feeling and so agreed to do the test in an attempt to pull myself back to reality. The result was my previous post. I'm waiting to get through to 6 weeks when a lot of the miscarriage risk is gone and so still prefix most of what I say with "if we have a baby in February.." One thing with this having taken so long is that I'm very well aware of what could still go wrong from here on in, but we're a lot closer now to having a baby than we were two months ago.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Holy shit!

The hope fairy won. More when over shock.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hope fairy

Today is CD30. I might be about 2 days overdue. I myself have no illusion that I may be pregnant but my hope fairy is being a bitch. To try and get her to see sense, I thought I'd relay a conversation with her to you.

Hope Fairy: "You know that your cycles shouldn't be this long at this time of year, maybe this time it's worked, just think a baby at the end of the summer! "(squeals with delight)
Me: "This has happened before, remember last October when I felt so sick, I even told some of my friends that I thought it might be and I went tripping through the shopping centre thinking, this is it, one whole day late, only to be shot down only 2 hours later. Or perhaps last December when we made all the way to CD31 and you were busy planning how to anounce the pregnancy to the family over Christmas. That one didn't work out either. Shut up already."
HF : "Maybe, but you don't tend to get cycles this long at this time of year, and you've got new symptoms."
Me : "But the doctor said that the next cycle after the surgery might be a bit different, longer is still different, next cycle will be back down to 27 days, you'll see. Anyway, I didn't really pay attention to things, I probably just ovulated late, surgery can do that to a girl."
HF : "But when you told the doctor that you were just begining the next cycle, she said that maybe things won't change. Maybe you just had a little bit of a blockage in your tubes and the dye study cleared things, then you really could be pregnant."
Me : "Excuse me, did you even see the test results we got back? It's not a problem that will go away with my tubes being a bit clearer."

And so it goes. The hope fairy has been a bit quieter lately, I thought I'd had her beat and I could get on with planning my life in a rational manner, but apparently she was just biding her time until there was a big enough opening to slip through

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Lookit, Lookit! I've designed lace! That really works when you knit it up! (I'll stop with the exclaimation marks now.)

I was looking through a couple of different lace pattern books, thinking I'd find a pattern I liked and would make a shawl from the green yarn I bought last week. Nothing really grabed me though there was a pattern a bit like what I've designed that I liked. The pattern was as an insert though. So I started mucking about with it a bit and lookit, a shawl body pattern.
The triangles that fill in the left are ssk, the ones that fill in the right are k2tog, the O's are YO, the upside down Y's are slip one, k2tog, psso and the | are the first knit stitch of the row. There a k2tog in the bottom row that should be a knit stitch, but aside from that the pattern works. So very cool, for me at least.