
Where I ramble and tell complete strangers about my life. It will probably include knitting.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Well, whats happened since we last talked. I know, Finland won Eurovision, yay. I watched that instead of the Nine 'Great Escape' interviews which were on at the same time. I didn't even realise until it was splashed about in the papers the next day about how Nine had basicly paid a dollar per viewer to get it.

I'm back onto thinking that I might actually graduate this year. If not exactly going well, I'm at least not drowning as the end of semester nears. It makes a pleasent change from years gone by, when by this point I'm trying to be realistic, and figure out where I can go from there.

Last weekend, instead of meeting up at a cafe like we usually do, my knitting group ventured out to the bus depot markets who's theme for the week seemed to be something like textiles and yarn. Heaven help us if we ever get anywhere near an actual sheep and wool festival. Great restraint was shown by those of us with tight pockets and I might have gotten out of their with only one skein of green 4 ply which was selling for half price, but then we saw lace weight. We had never, ever seen lace weight before in Canberra (in fact I'd never seen it before at all) and it was right there, and merino and soft and there was so much of it and we really never ment to buy it, in fact we managed to walk away from the stall. But then we decided that we had to get the card of the stall holder, just so we could get some later, when our pockets were a bit looser. Then though, we saw it again and before you know it, debit cards are out and staranise and I were each the proud owners of 1.5kms of lace weight yarn. I think we're going to have the worlds longest knit along, trying to make wedding ring shawls for our daughters (or daughters-in-law, neither of us has kids yet).
This is our group afterward, when we'd all had a cup of tea. I'm the one on the right and staranise is in the middle, Jeffie is on the left, holding her purchases, she doesn't have a blog as far as I know, but is fun to be around anyway.

Probably should leave it here, West wing is on tonigh, got to love the ABC showing two episodes at a time, and at a reasonable hour to.

Monday, May 15, 2006

All clear

So, I had surgery last Friday. It is now Monday and I only mildly feel like death, but I have managed to make it to uni today. The result of the surgery is that I'm all fine. No endo, both tubes are clear and the cyst I had was actually on my fallopian tube which is even less of a deal than have one on my ovary. So I'm all right and tight and now we get to move on to the next stage - treatment. We'll go in for another appointment with Dr D in about six weeks to discuss were we go from here.
As for the actual experiance itself, did you know that the womens health unit is also the maternity ward? I didn't. So I spent my time in a room that was clearly meant for a mother and newborn (sink shaped like a bath for someone about 50cm high, breastfeeding poster next to the loo, comfy chair with a stool next to the bed, you get the picture). It was all a bit depressing at first, me the infertile, in the maternity ward with tired women walking the hall with tiny, tiny newborn babies that cried and made themselves heard. I had a bit of a cry Friday night that it wasn't fair, and that I should be there to have a baby, not for surgery to see why I'm not. The nurse I had that night was really nice about it and mentioned that she had had two daughters through IVF and had worked on the ward as a midwife the whole time. She said that she coped with it because she knew that some of the women giving birth there had been through the same thing, and now they were having their babies, and it gave her hope. So I kind of took it as a test run of the ward and that I was there to get us closer to having our child/ren. Next time I'm there hopefully I'll be using the room for it's intended purpose.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

RIP 330J - Image heavy

Umm, yeah, lets not talk about me not posting for a while, I've been busy and not very angsty so I haven't really felt like I've had much to say. This however I though I should share.This is the site where my beloved Sharp 330J sat until Sunday night.

This is what it looks like now. My sister forgot to put water in the pasta she was cooking and it caught fire. Really fire, like flames coming out the top of the door fire.The mark on the wall is from a spiders web that was above the microwave and caught fire. The mark on the bench above came of pretty easily, but this one won't budge.

Mmm, yum. This is the pasta afterwards. You can't see it in this photo but about 5cm of the bottom of the container has melted. So today I got to go shopping and bought this.
A brand new Sharp 350J. I got to upgrade, just a little. Another 100W up to 1200W and 46 different presets. In other news:
I finished my quilt. It's machine pieced and hand quilted. I'm not sure if it's a lap or a cot quilt, but it's staying in the lounge room for the moment so I guess that makes it a lap quilt. I think I definitly have the bug now though, can't wait to get started on the next one. Patchwork is definetly easier on my shoulder too. I'll try to update sooner next time.