
Where I ramble and tell complete strangers about my life. It will probably include knitting.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Total neglect of a blog.

First things first, I'm now sixteen weeks pregnant. (insert small yay!). I still have morning sickness, but not so bad, only throwing up every week or so. It's worse when I just feel bad in the morning and can't face much, like making lunches. Makes life expensive to keep buying lunch.
The photo on the left was taken at twelve weeks and the one on the right was taken at sixteen. I wasn't exactly svelte to begin with but progress has occured. I'm now in maternity pants full time, but I don't need to switch tops yet. Mostly because I've been given some belly bands. I was given the one I'm wearing on the right for my birthday from staranise and Jeffie, my knitting group.

And in the really big news we finally have broadband internet at home. It took a record six weeks and two new routers before some fluke twiddling got it to work. Dial-up is not fun at all. Last time we moved it took four weeks to get it up and going and I thought that was the longest it could get.

On the knitting front, I'm almost finished the sideways spencer, just in time for spring. All I've got left to do is to put buttons on it, but that will have to wait until I can get to Spotlight over the weekend. I really want to get wooden buttons, but I'll have to see. I've started some new booties, navy with red polka-dots. Photos later.

Will try to update more often.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Absent Minded.

I'm taking the time to write this as I've just skipped a lecture for a pretty unskippable course. Reason - I've trying to finish of an assignment for said course and a mixture of overloaded printers and my own absent mindedness has made me go overtime.

Before I get to far, Mr b^3, I have got some results and everything printed and will hand it in, so it's alright.

Right, I got in nice and early this morning, sat at the computer and got to work, didn't stray by the wayside of blogs, but dug straight in. Fixed my code (did you know that if you forget to increment your loop counter it goes on forever?) and did some major fiddleing to get some results out of it. Ended up hand doing some bits to come up the the damn graph, but it was there, I had done it, now all I had to do was to print out my lovely fixed and commented code. Select print, hit the right buttons and hear the printer whir. Wander over to it, oh someone else's job right now, gosh those are a lot of slides, come back later, the printer is sounding like it is finished that job, join the little crowd of people around the printer waiting as it whirs to start the next job, wait, is it mine? No, it's more bloody slides for one of the fifty people in the room who won't even come over to collect their job so we can throttle them. Oh well, this to shall pass, then 'beep', out of paper. I'm ok, really I am, I brought my shuffle along with me, I'll just move my code to it and nip up to the library to print it out. First I'll log out then grap the iPod and my stuff and beat a hasty path to the library. Find new computer, log on, insert iPod, select and print file. Hang on, that's only two pages, I was sure it was three. Uh oh, that's my copy from this morning, before I fixed it. In order to actually save something to the iPod, you must eject it before logging off. Hurriedly fix what can remember, know it isn't as good as it was, but there's little to be done now, hand retched assignment in.

I knew today wasn't going to be a good one, but did it have to start like that? Thank God I tend to code with lots of laying out and comments, instead of doing all that latter, so it at least looks half decent, even if it might not work.

Should probably go to next lecture.