Total neglect of a blog.

The photo on the left was taken at twelve weeks and the one on the right was taken at sixteen. I wasn't exactly svelte to begin with but progress has occured. I'm now in maternity pants full time, but I don't need to switch tops yet. Mostly because I've been given some belly bands. I was given the one I'm wearing on the right for my birthday from staranise and Jeffie, my knitting group.
And in the really big news we finally have broadband internet at home. It took a record six weeks and two new routers before some fluke twiddling got it to work. Dial-up is not fun at all. Last time we moved it took four weeks to get it up and going and I thought that was the longest it could get.
On the knitting front, I'm almost finished the sideways spencer, just in time for spring. All I've got left to do is to put buttons on it, but that will have to wait until I can get to Spotlight over the weekend. I really want to get wooden buttons, but I'll have to see. I've started some new booties, navy with red polka-dots. Photos later.
Will try to update more often.
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