35 weeks 2 days, 8 months

My blood pressure is still pretty good, but creeping up a bit again over the past few weeks. My diastolic has gone from 70 (when I was back to baseline) to 74 last week and 78 this week. It's still a ways from being a problem, but it's another thing to watch.
Ooh, and bub has started to drop. Not engaged all the way yet, but starting into my pelvis. This has resulted in bub doing a YMCA impression and punching my bladder and kicking my ribs at the same time, but it's a sign of progress.
I've declared the sewing finished. We have enough newborn (000) size clothes, enough of the next size up to get us though until I can make some more and quite frankly I'm sick of trying to make interesting non-gender specific clothes. Sheets are made with lots of brown and actually look pretty good. The only really pressing thing left is curtains and I'm hoping to get them done in the next week or so. I would have done them earlier but all the sunout fabrics, especially the children's ones were nauseatingly cutesy. Instead I'm going to us plain furnishing fabric with separate sunout lining.
Since I stopped the sewing I've been knitting and crocheting. Photo was taken to the knitting, but I forgot to upload it. Maybe next post.
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