
Where I ramble and tell complete strangers about my life. It will probably include knitting.

Monday, January 01, 2007

33 weeks, 6 days 

First things first, my blood pressure has gone back down to baseline.  This means that I don't have to rock up to the hospital every second day for monitoring, a very good thing.

I'm still a bit woozy at times, particularly after I shower, this is probably because showering is the most physically intensive thing I do these days. 

I feel soooo unfit, though I know that most of the reason that I'm out of breath all the time is because my lungs are running out of room.  I had such high plans for keeping fit, I was going to walk to uni everyday, then join the gym so I could use a tredmill to walk in the aircon.  Then my leg went and I couldn't walk long distance anymore.  That was ok, I would go swimming everyday instead, then I broke my finger.  The only reason I was going down the staircase I broke my finger on was that Mr b^3 had driven me to uni because my leg finally couldn't take the walk.  My finger healed but with my blood pressure doing what it has and with me getting woozy with any activity, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to try.

Excuse my wingeing, I know how lucky I am to only have this to winge about.  Bub is healthy and everything that is going on with me will clear up when bub is born.  I must admit though that I'm really looking foward to getting to the end of this.  Now is really the time to start counting down, rather than up. 


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