
Where I ramble and tell complete strangers about my life. It will probably include knitting.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Two Months

Dear Penelope,
This has been another big month for you, for starters you've discovered sleep in a big way. In fact it's something of an embarrassment when I talk to other parents of small babies. They ask how you are sleeping and I have to say just fine and then I think that they are jealous of me for having such a wonderful baby. I don't mind though, I'm getting some sleep.
You slept more than five hours for the first time when you where five weeks old. I was shocked when you woke us up at 5.20 am and not 3 am. Your Nanny was staying with us and at first I thought that she had feed you in the middle of the night, but no, you'd done it all by yourself, sleeping right through.
Life still goes a bit wrong for you in the afternoon though. You never manage to sleep much more than about 45 minutes at a time during the day unless I'm holding you or you're in the sling (ergo). This has led to me shopping for long periods of time so you'll get a nap in.

You're big enough now that you find the mobile above your cot interesting, which is wonderful. We can leave you there for a little while we have to get something done and you won't scream.

Last week you were immunized. You took the needles themselves pretty well and were asleep five minutes later. That afternoon was a different story though. You just screamed and screamed. You would stop feeding to scream. It took a long cuddle on the couch and some panadol to get you to calm down.

You're growing so much and I can't remember it all. The best thing of all though is your smile. You give the biggest grin with a dimple in your cheek. It just makes mine and daddy's day. It's taken me more than a week to write this, so I'd better finish before you're three months old. We love you.



  • At 11:01 am, Blogger Staranise said…

    I love the photo with her dummy falling out, she is such a cutie.

  • At 1:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love the blogg now that I am finally on to it. You were rather big towards the end weren't you. I love my grand daughter. She is so beauliful, and yes reminds me a lot of you.



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