One month

You were a month old this week. Has it really been only a month? On the other hand, has it been a whole month already?
Your daddy and I have had a lot of learning to do the past month. Lots of learning about how to care for you and to keep you happy, while not going insane ourselves. You've been really good about helping us with that. In the past week or so you've figured out that one feed in the middle of the night is perfectly acceptable. For this I would like to thank you.
When Daddy comes home from work, he'll take you for a while, to hold you and try and calm you down. He swoops you through the air and lifts you right up to the ceiling. Sometimes you like this, sometimes you could care less.

Later in the evening you'll be given a bath. The first few baths you screamed through, but now you seem quite content with the warm water.
At some point in the evening you stop being a grump and get the idea of sleeping. Often you'll go 4 or 5 hours between feeds overnight. You'll usually wake for a night time feed at about 3am. I wake up and go get you, check your nappy and tell Daddy to go and get a bottle, then put you down on our bed while I go and wash my hands. When I get back, I put you on a pillow across my legs, put the towel over my shoulder and give you your formula. Daddy goes back to sleep beside us. The most tricky bit of night time feeding for me to figure out was getting you back to sleep. What currently seems to work is wrapping you back up when your sleepy and then lieing you down between us and lieing down beside you. I can then grab twenty minutes of sleep while you settle yourself down into a deep sleep with me near you. When I wake back up, you've conked out and I can carefully pick you up and tuck you into your cot. With any luck you'll stay asleep until morning when we start again.

You're absolutely beautiful and we love you so much,
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