
Where I ramble and tell complete strangers about my life. It will probably include knitting.

Monday, February 27, 2006


Just in really quickly to say, Wow! A comment from an unknown person. I have arrived indeed in the blogging world. Or is this a little over the top? Anyway, Hi. (And hi to you Jess, I like comments from you to).

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

nellieknits, not.

No, this doesn't mean that I'm going to stop blogging. For goodness sakes, I've only started. In fact, now that uni has started back up, I'll probably update more often, like maybe once a week at least.
The not bit is for knitting, and even thats not entirely true. In my wonderful job at woolworths, I have a fair bit of repetative motion, lifting bags of chicken, ham etc. to scales at about eye level. This puts a lot of strain on my left shoulder, which really hurts if I'm not careful. The only way I've found to stop it hurting is to
  1. Be careful about using my left arm at work
  2. Not serve all of the time. This means that I clean a lot.
  3. Take glucosamine sulfate twice daily religiously
  4. Not knit for at least a whole day before working, or the days I work.
This just means that I'll be knitting a bit less, not not at all, since I am a very lucky person who only has to work 2 days a week, so it means no knitting for 3 days a week, and I probably should cut down amount I do the days I can. Which is ok, really. My sock yarn will last just that bit longer.

So, it knitting news, do you know how hard it is to find a pattern for a man with a 90cm/34" chest? Most of the patterns I see are for guys who are big and beefy and start with a 40" chest minimum, going all the way up to 54" on some I've seen. I've found 1, just 1 pattern that would fit. I kind of like it, but I'd like to have a choice in these things.

On the infertility front, I've now had all of my tests. The U/S showed that I still have the cyst on my left ovary and that it isn't a corpus luteam like my OB thought it might be, because I had one of those on my right ovary as I was a week past ovulating. This cyst looked clear though so it may just be a long lived functional cyst that will go away on its own. We'll find out at the next appointment in four weeks along with the results of the eleven blood tests I've had. So now we've just got Mr b^3's tests to go in a couple of weeks, then maybe, just maybe, we'll have an answer as to what the hell is going on.

I had a really weird dream last night. I was at a dinner party with a lot of our friends around and some were pregnant and there were kids running around and babies and stuff. A bit like our bible study is becoming, with a baby, a toddler and two pregnant couples. In the dream it suddenly occured to me that I too was pregnant, about 20 weeks or so and that I had better get along with preparing all of the stuff I had been thinking about for so long, like sewing clothes and nappies, getting a pram, etc. or I wouldn't have much time left to before the baby came along. I blurted out at the party "hey, I'm pregnant" and everybody laughed, because they already knew and could see that. It was a nice dream, until I woke up feeling a bit out of sorts and couldn't figure out why, then I remembered my dream and how included and excited I had felt and that none of it was true. I can't exactly go running out and start to stock up on nappy fabrics. That was a bit of a bummer.

Speaking of bible study, ours really has seemed to morph into the family one, with kids and pregnancies happening to just about everyone there. I don't really feel that left out because we at least are trying and I can just talk for a bit to some of my friends about whats going on in our lives. It was really nice last night in corperate prayer (FYI: when there is a time for people to pray aloud ) one of the guys prayed for Mr b^3 and I in our attempts to get pregnant, which was really, really nice. I don't really ask for prayer much for this, I don't want to put myself foward to much, and it can feel like I'm bemoaning poor me (or us). But to be prayed for with out asking was really lovely.

I really haven't prayed that much over having a baby, and I'm wondering why I am/was so reluctant to pray about it. When Mr b^3 got his job, I hadn't prayed so much for anything in my life and it seemed to have worked. So why don't I want to pray for children? Is it because I don't really want them enough (unlikely), because it feels like wishing, because if it happened at this point it seems like it would be pretty damn close to a miracle and I'm reluctant to ask for one? Praying for fertility treatment to work seems much more likely to work, and so I'm more likley to pray for that? Is it because I don't want to be disappointed with God so I don't want to ask for a big thing, just incase it doesn't happen. What does this say about my state of faith I wonder? I'm going to pray I think, but maybe just in general terms, a pregnancy and baby by what ever means, please Lord?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hasn't a lot happened

I was going to post yesterday, honest. In fact I had a post half written out, but then I knocked my laptop and the power cord came out, the whole thing died on me and I didn't really have the heart to continue. So, hear is the news in the b^3 house hold.

Mr b^3 got a job!!! (I don't usually use mulitple exclamation points, but this deserved it.) He starts this morning working for a smallish not-for-profit biology research company as a Java development intern. We are almost done with Centrelink, thank God. The funny thing is that he will still get a little of his last payment, whereas I won't get anymore Youth allowance, all because of his salary and the funny way that being partnered and Centrelink interact. Not that Centrelink hasn't been good to us, we'd have never both been able to get through uni without it, but it is nice to leave it and all the paperwork, behind.

The other big news is that we went to the OB yesterday and now have a diagnosis of first degree infertiliy and a cartload of tests to get done before our next appointment in six weeks.
It feels so, so good to finally get started on all of these. Who knows, maybe something will happen.

It's been funny, I feel like I've spent the whole summer, just waiting, wishing the weeks by. I was looking foward to our appointment more than Christmas and waiting and hoping for Mr b^3 to get a job, and soon. Now it's all happened in the same week and the summer is almost over. Uni goes back on the 20th, but this year looks like fun.

In knitting news, I got the main body of the sideways spencer done yesterday.
The red bit there is my row counter. I've never heard of anyone else doing it, but I keep track of row numbers by laceing a piece of ribbon through my knitting as I go, then pulling it out when I'm done. It's a very easy and imediate way of keeping track of where you're up to.

This is a close up of the cables and waves pattern that the spencer has all over it. Someday I will learn a way to make left leaning decreases look as neat as right leaning k2tog. Now there are only about a million miles of ribbing left to do then it's done.

Maybe I can rationalise my number of projects on the go at once as
  • a jumper (currently sideways spencer)
  • a childs garment (currently the pointless girls cabled cardigan)
  • a pair of socks
  • ever present booties
See, I can always cast on a new project, so long as it is of a different catagory as the ones I already have!

As the spencer nears completeion, I think I might make a jumper for Mr b^3. After two years of marriage, I think we might have been together long enough to avoid the sweater curse. Not to mention, how hard could it be to make a close fitting jumper for a man with a 90cm chest?

I think thats it, so I'll end here.