21wks 6days
I know, I know its been a while, but the upside of that is that I have lots to talk about, in bullet points even.
- Baby: I finally felt the baby move! About two weeks ago, I was sitting down on hold on the phone for a while when I felt something like my heart going flip-flop, but in really the wrong place. It was exactly like I'd read it would be, feeling something that doesn't seem to be heart thumping, lunch or an impending fart, realising it's the baby and then thinking "Hey I've been feeling this for a while". I've been feeling it regularly ever since.
- And on the subject of the baby moving - recipe for lots of pregnant fun: drink a mocktail consisting mostly of red cordial and full suger lemonade, eat some lovely, high suger slices then sit back and feel the baby go completely hyper for the next four hours.
- The belly is really growing now, I'm looking more and more pregnant, instead of just rather fat. I'm really appriciating the mummy tummy my knitting buddies gave me for my birthday now. I have some other bands I got at the markets, but they are so narrow that they're feeling quite skimpy even now. The mummy tummy is as long as my arm and I feel quite confident that it should last until Feburary. I'm going to have to look into getting another one, so I have one to wear when this one is washing.
- The strap-on heater effect has started too. People all around me are forever complaining that they're cold and go shut windows when I'm just fine and feel no need to warm the place up. Summer is going to be so much fun. Really.
- I am so looking foward to the end of classes, three more weeks and I'm done, and hopefully I can graduate in two months. I'm almost finished all the assesment work for one classe, have a major project for another and one more assignment for the last. Then two exams -one easy and one hard. And its all over, finished.
- And when classes are over, I can start on the mound of sewing I have to do. First things up are some summer maternity clothes. I currently have two pairs of trousers and a long skirt. I don't wear the skirt much, so I'm living in the trousers. The maximum on Thursday is expected to be 30 degrees celcius. I really, really need to get to my sewing, but I can't until I'm done with uni. It's a race between the weather and my assesment as to which I can't take first.
- Then, when I have some clothes to wear, it will be time to turn attention to the babies needs. I'm going to be using cloth nappies that I'm sewing myself. I'm going to be making pocket nappies using mamabirds pattern with fabric from nappies covered. The nappies covered store only just re-opened last week and I lasted about an hour and a half after it opened before ordering my fabric. I'm going to be using hemp/cotton fleece for the stuffers that I've ordered through a friend. All I've got left to get is some snaps and I'll have everything I need to make enough nappies to get us through the first 6-8 months. I've calculated that by making and using these nappies it will cost us about $350 from woe to go. Compared to about $3000 for using disposables, and we've made quite a saving. In fact, even if the washing machine carks it and we need a new one, we still will have saved money. There will be pictures of these forthcoming.
- Then when I've sewed nappies, there will be actual clothes to make. I've been stockpiling fabric for a while now, just a meter here and there of the really cute stuff, all to now be turned into real baby clothes and not just dreams.
- Then after that, there are sheets to be made. Yes I really am nuts, if you were wondering. The baby is going to have all brown sheets, but let me explain. About four years ago, I got it into my head that I was going to make a huge Victorian crinoline dress and so went and bought about 20 meters of chocolate brown poplin with which to make it. I never got around to getting the rest of the materials needed and lost interest in making much historical costume, not to mention realising that I would have no where to store a huge Victorian crinoline. And so I've lugged 20 meters of chocolate brown poplin in my stash through at least 3 moves now. No more, it's all going into baby sheets, which I have on good authority that you need a few sets of. Then my sewing will be done and the baby can come.
- Speaking of nuts, I had an almost harlotesque episode of insane deadlines over the weekend. I was going to a baby shower at 2pm on Saturday. I had been a very good knitter and made a nice lace bonnet for the baby a whole week early. Then Saturday morning I got it into my head that a little lace bonnet wasn't much and I should make something else as well, to go with the bonnet. We had to go out anyway so I went to Big W and bought a muslin wrap to give and thought that it would be nice to crotchet a trim around it. I am a big believer in big wraps, all the harder for little escape artists to get out of. So thus I found myself with 3 hours until the party with about 5 meters of trim to make. I still had about 2 meters to go when it was time to go, "no mattter," I thought "I'll just take it with me, I'm pregnant, nobody will mind if I just sit in the corner for a bit and finish this." But I minded, I wanted to mingle, so I still have about 1 meter of trim to go when it's time for gifts to be given, I really wanted to be able to give it to my friend then, so it's crunch time. It's head down time to really go at it, no eating the nibblies, no drinking, minimal oohing and aahing. Two presents to go and I'm still 30cm out, but thank God, her mother has a really big mixed box and everything has to be gotten out and examined. The end, oops no sissors to finish it. Get a pair from the lady of the house, cut ends, fold up and present, right at the end. It turned out pretty well, but I don't have a photo. I'm making another one for a friend whose also is due in the next few weeks, but I think I'll leave myself a bit more time on that one.
- Our next OB appointment is tomorrow. I've got a couple of things to ask about. Firstly I've been hyper-ventalating a fair bit latley and it's not something I'm generally prone to without doing a lot of excersising. These days I'm likly to need as sit down for a bit after putting my trousers on in the morning. I can still walk in to Uni and back fine (a 5km round trip) though. Dr google says that it's normal and will clear up after the baby is born, but I think I should check with my real doctor too.
- Secondly, I'm wanting to join a gym for the summer. I'm not a happy camper in the summer at the best of times and being pregnant in the summer I suspect is going to make me less happy. Joining the gym will mean that I can swim and take my walks on a treadmill in the air-conditioning. Otherwise I'm liable to spend the summer on my butt and loose all the fitness I've gained by walking everyday thus far. I suspect I'll need my doctors permission to join the gym at 6 months pregnant though.
- Belly shots, knitting shots and photos of our Ikea haul in the next post, hopefully before the end of the week.
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