Babies and knitting content.
I can confuse myself very easily sometimes. One day I am jealous and upset when I hear the news of a friend L having her baby and almost cry when I see photos. The next day I am fine with going to visit a different friend S and helping her with her baby. I kind of know why the difference though. With L's baby I was hormonal and tired and she just seemed to have it so easy. For S, I know that she's had a really hard time and I really just want to help her.
I had a call the other day to ask if I would take an earlier ob's appointment, heart leapping I said yes, thinking that anything to reduce the two month waiting time would be good. So my new appointment is now at 10.30 am instead of 11am. Woohoo.
This is my current main knitting project. (See, I said I'd get to knitting eventually.) It's the sideways spencer from an issue of Interweave Knits, I think. I borrowed the pattern from a friend and can't quite remember what issue it is. I've got one sleave and the fronts done now, only another sleeve and the miles of ribbing to go. I think this might actually work as a garment on me though so I shall plough on, only letting summer heat, temptation of socks, wayward stops to knit pointless booties and other such things to way lay me.
I had a call the other day to ask if I would take an earlier ob's appointment, heart leapping I said yes, thinking that anything to reduce the two month waiting time would be good. So my new appointment is now at 10.30 am instead of 11am. Woohoo.

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